Cara Mudah Memasak Ayam Goreng Kremes

Ayam Goreng Kremes. Ayam goreng literally means fried chicken in Indonesian. There are many recipes of ayam goreng in Indonesia, among the popular one is Ayam Goreng Kremes. So what is Kremes? well it means something crunchy.

Ayam Goreng Kremes Indonesian fried chicken usually does not have crispy battered skins like the western ones (read KFC, lol), but we do have a knack for making kremes. Kremes batter is a mix of cooking liquid when boiling the chicken and flour. Ayam Goreng Kremes is chicken made Indonesian style that bring out the flavours and textures of this chicken dish beautifully. The chicken firstly is cooked in a nutty broth of cashew nuts, onion and garlic along with some fresh kaffir lime leaves and fresh lemon juice.  The chicken absorbs the juices of all these flavours.  It is then stir fried with some garlic and chillies. Hello mommy.Kali ini kita memiliki Resep Ayam Goreng Kremes. Resep ini memiliki 9 Bahan utama, dan 3 cara memasaknya.

Resep Ayam Goreng Kremes

  1. Sediakan 1 kg ayam.
  2. Cukup 1/2 bungkus bumbu racik.
  3. Cukup 2 batang serai geprek.
  4. Sediakan 1 ruas lengkuas geprek.
  5. Cukup 3 lembar daun jeruk.
  6. Cukup 1 lembar daun salam.
  7. Siapkan 3 butir bawang putih geprek.
  8. Siapkan Secukupnya garam, penyedap, gula pasir.
  9. Cukup Air untuk merebus.

Ayam Goreng Kremes Indonesian Fried Chicken with Crunchy Flakes. Lihat juga resep Ayam kremes renyah seperti ala ny. Sajikan ayam goreng kremes dengan sepiring nasi yang masih hangat, di tambah sambal dan lalapan. Baca Juga: Resep Ayam Kecap Sederhana dan Praktis Cara Membuatnya.

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